Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Tail: Cowboy Cody!

My new Mom!
It's official: Cowboy (now Cody) is adopted and settling into his forever home with his wonderful new mom! Drew and I are so grateful to the folks at DeKalb County Animal Services, Friends of DeKalb Animals, See Spot Rescued, and K9dergarten for helping Cowsy find the forever home he deserves. Most of all, we are so happy for his new mom because she adopted the sweetest, most moo-riffic, cow-tastic buddy ever!
Heading home!
Walking into forever

I've got to admit: Cowboy was the best foster we've had so far and he may very well be the best we ever have. He was better behaved than most of our own dogs. He felt like one of our own dogs. Putting him on the FODA bus was hard, for sure, but I didn't struggle with it too badly. Seeing his adoption photos yesterday made it REAL. He's gone. He's not our Cow anymore. He has a new mom and a new home. I cried my eyes out. I thought to myself, how ridiculous am I? Cowboy has an amazing future ahead of him and here I am feeling all sad. I didn't expect this weird emotional response at all. So, I went to sleep and woke up this morning feeling much better knowing that Cowboy slept in a comfy home with someone who truly loves him. I looked at his pictures again and he looks SO happy. I reminded myself that we let him go so we can keep helping more. He wasn't ever really "ours"; we were just a stepping stone on his way to forever. And yeah, coming to grips with that hurts a little bit, sure. But that's ok! It's what we signed up for and it's all worth it to know he is safe, comfortable, happy, and loved. He will always be in our hearts (and on my Facebook news feed, I'm sure!).

Cowboy being goofy at K9dergarten
I made great friends at K9dergarten!
Happy dance in the background
So please enjoy these pictures of Cowboy with his new mommy (posted with her permission) and his time playing happily at K9dergarten leading up to his adoption. And thanks for letting me share my emotional mini-struggle. It always helps to write it out and face it for what it is: another step forward on this awesome journey! Congratulations, Cowboy Cody! May you and your forever mom build the happiest of friendships together! We'll miss you, Moo Man!

If you're in the Jersey City area and are looking for a fantastic doggy daycare, please check out K9dergarten at or on Facebook. These folks took GREAT care of Cowboy Cody and one of our other fosters, Barkley, while they waited for their forever homes. You can see in the pictures just how much fun Cow had hanging out with his K9 buddies every day! Every afternoon at 4:00 sharp, K9dergarten posts an album on Facebook full of pictures of all their daycare pups hanging out. It's an awesome way to see what your pup is up to while you're at work! A special shout out is due to Warren, a K9 staff member who really made sure Cowboy enjoyed every minute of his days at K9. Thanks and PAWS UP for Cowboy Cody's happy tail!

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