Friday, July 5, 2013

Update on Jinny!

Hey everyone! Thought I'd hammer out a quick little update on our girl, Jinny. She's settling in rather well. She hasn't had a single potty accident, not ONE! She sleeps perfectly through the night with her crate door open (sometimes she likes to lay inside it, other times she just sleeps on the floor next to it). She usually spends all day just laying quietly on the living room rug. She seems to like Bunkin and Oliver quite a bit. Bunkin is convinced she's his fluffy Collie girlfriend.
We haven't had a female dog since little Cindy Lou back in December, so I forgot how much they
seem to even out the doggy dynamics in our house. With all of our boys, things tend to stay fairly rowdy. Jinny is completely unfazed. She's like, "Whatever, boys. I do not have time for your crazy games. I'll just sit here next to the air purifier and enjoy this nice breeze while you all bound around like a bunch of fools." Oddly enough, the boys tend to do less bounding around since Jinny's been with us. She never protests or gets snippy with anyone, but she does seem to demand a certain level of order. Everyone just kind of falls into place around her. Even Pickles, who LOVES to play (oftentimes roughly) with other dogs, hasn't jumped on her once. They all respect her space and just go about their own merry ways. Fine by me!

Slowly but surely, Jinny's beginning to show a little more personality. The first few days we had her, she just laid around and hardly wanted to move. I'm sure it was mostly because of her recent spay (she's had to wear the comfy cone because she's been licking at it a lot), but you could just tell she really needed time to decompress and regain her energy after leaving the shelter. It's a very overwhelming process and each of our fosters has dealt with it differently. When my alarm clock goes off each day, my dogs go bananas. Totally nutso. They spring into action, jump all over me, lick my face like crazy, bark like mad, and cry cry CRY until I finally sit up. See, alarm clock = breakfast. During this morning ritual, Jinny just kind of sits back and looks like what the heck are they making all this racket for...some of us are trying to sleep! Then something exciting happened yesterday: when my alarm clock went off and all the other dogs did their usual batty routine, I sat up to find Jinny standing alert in front of the bed and happily wiggling her butt. She was downright jolly! As soon as I opened the bedroom door, she bolted out with everyone else and did a very brief breakfast dance before deciding that was enough exertion for one day. It made me so happy to see her face brighten, even for just a few minutes. I love watching all of our fosters come out of their shells. It's such a rewarding process (even though sometimes ya wish they'd go back into their shells, just a little!).

Jinny gets a little more comfortable each day. Her toes look MUCH better and her coat is beautiful now that she's had a bath and two weeks of regular brushing. Jinny will go to the vet for her heartworm treatment shots soon. She'll stay the weekend at the vet's office, but once we pick her up I'll be sure to write a blog post all about how she's doing. Check out the video of her and the rest of my crew enjoying their bones from Park Pet Supply. Paws up for Jinny's progress!

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