Sunday, January 26, 2014

Happy Tail: Raven!

Belated happy tails are better than none at all...Miss Raven got adopted earlier this month! She lives in Nashville, TN and is as happy as can be. Icing on the cake: her leg is fully healed and looks great. We are so happy to see this girl enjoying her new life. Paws up for Raven and for Canine Pet Rescue!

In other news, CPR has taken in a very difficult new case: Allie the young GSD with severe chemical burns. If you'd like to donate toward Allie's care in honor of Raven, please follow the link below:


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Ahoy, Mateys! Lefty / Cap'n Jack Pupdate!

Shiver me timbers, I'm home!
Pawsome news: Lefty is home again! He spent Sunday night through Wednesday (today) afternoon at the vet being treated for his tummy ailments. I finally got to pick him up just an hour ago and he is very happy to be home with all his buddies again. Oliver missed playing with The Whack Attack! That's what we call Lefty...Wacky Jacky converted to The Whack Attack because he's so nutsy. So, he's home and doing just fine so far.

WHAT, I have to get another bath?!
The vets couldn't quite put their fingers on what caused his massive upset, but they're suggesting it was a combination of the Rimadyl, maybe a little something viral, and possibly worms or intestinal infection. They finally got the multi-point explosions to cease, thank goodness. They sent me home with the works for upset tummy: Fortiflora to help firm things up, Carafate to coat the belly, Panacur just in case he is wormy, and of course the fabulous miracle-working Metronidazole. Metro seriously solves every single tummy problem imaginable. That stuff is magic. So, Wacky Jacky should be good to go from here.

Lefty had has staples and sutures taken out while he was there for his tummy issues, too. His leg looks GREAT. Check out the before and after. His fur will grow back and he will look perfectly good as new! The eye looks great, too. You wouldn't even notice he's missing one at first glance. We are to continue doing the physical therapy exercises for the leg: bicycle rotating it when he's on the couch and shifting his weight to the healing side when he's standing. Barring any more surprise catastrophes, Lefty should be ready to head north in a week or two. Check out the video below to see Wacky Jacky in action (from a week ago).
Me foster mum says I should have me a bit of a lie-down

Yaaaarr, 'tis true mateys, I be a tired scaliwag!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Lefty / Cap'n Jack: SOS, Mateys!

Cap'n Jack is a pro at the side-eye
Paws crossed for Jacky, everyone. He's rather sick. We had to rush him to Village Vets emergency last night. He had diarrhea for over 24 hours, which is enough for concern. As I called the vet, it turned to blood. He was crying and obviously in distress. I thought it must be due to the rimadyl he's been on for two weeks, although I discontinued it the morning before when I first noticed his tummy problems. When we got to the vet, he threw up in the lobby. I really got scared then because I thought he must have gotten into something toxic. We have nothing lying around the house, but I thought maybe he could have eaten a poisonous frog or something in the yard. I was so scared; I know he's not a super young pup and that he's had all his shots, but it looked like parvo. They admitted him for overnight testing and monitoring.

He's also an underbite expert
I got a call at 9PM last night saying we could come get him. I said I'd rather them keep him overnight. Sure enough, his diarrhea continued throughout the night. This morning when I spoke with the vet (the same wonderful lady who operated on Jacky's eye), she said that he's stable but is still passing a lot of blood. His x-rays and bloodwork were clear, so no blockages or organ damage. He tested negative for parvo, thank Dog (the mere fact that the vet tested him shows how acute his symptoms were!). He held down a little bit of food, which is always a good thing. The vet said he's resting well, but she definitely wants to keep him for another day and night at least. Her suspicion is that it's viral, not something he got into. Either way, I know they'll take great care of him.

Behold: extreme ear scruff!
Of course, Cap'n Jack is as affectionate and feisty as ever. He is a staff favorite at Village Vets; he practically has to sign autographs when he comes through the door. A vet tech even asked us yesterday if he's still available for adoption, haha! They said they were wracking their brains for good pirate themed nicknames for him when he came in for his enucleation. Y'all should have seen how excited they got when I told them Lefty is only his "official" name, but that he actually goes by Cap'n Jack! Yaaaaaaarr, mateys! They absolutely love him. So I know he's in good hands. Nevertheless, it always hurts my heart when one of our guys is struggling. Jacky is one of my favorite fosters ever...he is such a lovey little scruff munchkin and is just so happy all the time, no matter what he's going through. So please cross every paw you've got in hopes that Cap'n Jack / Lefty will overcome yet another medical challenge. The poor little guy needs a break!

As if the costs of Lefty's FHO and enucleation weren't already sky-high, Perfect Pets Rescue continues to stand by his side no matter the expense. They could really use some help raising funds to cover Lefty's medical bills, especially now that he's had to have expensive tests and overnight hospitalization. If you can forego an afternoon coffee run or maybe even just a morning bagel to help PPR, please click here to donate for Lefty's care:

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Bonus Happy Tails: Katie and Suri

When I had them...
Bonus happy tails alert! Remember Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise? I posted about their transport to NJ and adoptions a couple months ago. I've been super fortunate to receive continued updates on both of these precious girls since their adoptions. I really want to share with you how happy they are in their forever homes and just how adorable they both look. Huge thanks to both of their new families for taking the time to share these wonderful pictures and updates with me! It warms my heart to see their new lives. I couldn't have dreamed of more for Katie and Suri / Kit and Zoe!

First up: Miss Katie Holmes, now Kit! Judging from these pictures and her mom's correspondence, Kit is as adorable and feisty as ever. Kit's mom says her skin (remember how awful it was from the flea bites?) is doing pretty well overall. That one bad spot flared up a little due to the super cold weather, but with continued fish oil supplements and an antibiotic shot from the vet it seems to be under control. Wearing sweaters helps keep Kit from scratching and prevents flare ups, too. How conveniently cute! Love it. She's settled in beautifully with her new siblings. Check out how pawsome she looks in her fancy Christmas dress and Santa suit!

Suri / Zoe then...
...Suri / Zoe now!
Next up: Suri Cruise, now Zoe! Just. Look. At. Her. Squeeeeeee!!! Zoe's mom emailed me this picture. It's a good thing she told me who it was because I would never have recognized our little baby girl! Oh my goodness! She is so grown up and big! And surprise: she still looks absolutely nothing like her mama. Hah! What a goofy pair these girls are, honestly. I hear Zoe's about ten pounds now. She was barely five when we sent her on transport. I just can't believe how much she's grown and changed. Dachshund? Yeah, right! She looks like a baby Boxer or Mastiff. How ridiculous! Again, the only telling trait is the double dewclaw phenomenon. Otherwise you'd never know Zoe was Kit's puppy. Zoe's doing great. She's learning how to play politely and continuing her potty training.  Check out her transformation! That's all I have for now. Just wanted y'all to see the pawsomeness of rescue pupdates! Paws up for Zoe & Kit!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Lefty: On the Road to Recovery

Hey, my eye looks GREAT!
Lefty / Cap'n Jack had his femoral head ostectomy (FHO) on Friday. FHO is a major surgery in which they remove the ball joint (femoral head) part of the hip/leg. This leaves the femur free-floating. While this sounds extreme, Lefty is much better off without the fractured, dying, inflamed part of the bone. Leaving the femoral head in place like that would invite prolonged pain and infection. So, in a small dog like Lefty it's much better to just remove the damaged bone.

The vet told us that Lefty's leg injury was worse than they expected. Once in surgery, the vet found that the fracture continued farther down the femur and caused a great deal of inflammation. He had to burrow into the bone and smooth out the fracture line in order to prevent continued inflammation and spurs. This meant cutting into a lot more of Lefty's muscle and delicately navigating around nerves. Needless to say, this is very painful. Lefty was originally slated to come home on Saturday, but due to the amount of bleeding and extensive incision the vet thought it'd be best for him to stay another night. So, I picked Lefty up this afternoon. Aside from his hind end being shaved and the line of staples running down his leg, you'd never know he went through so much trauma. Good ole Jacky came around the corner with the same feisty grin on his face he had when I dropped him off. In just a few short weeks, Lefty will be able to function fully despite missing part of his hip. Just goes to show how remarkable and resilient dogs truly are.

Lefty's FHO incision 2 days after surgery
While he was under, the vet went ahead and neutered Lefty. He also had his eye stitches removed. The eye looks fantastic. I am so pleased with how everything has turned out for Jacky so far! He did great during all of his surgeries and has been an absolute recovery champ. I'll begin helping Lefty do some physical therapy in a couple days. The vet recommended simple balance and weight shifting exercises to help him begin using his leg again. All I have to do is lightly press on his good hip so he'll shift his weight to the recovering hip. That's it! That's enough to stimulate the muscles for now. He's still mostly on crate rest and confined to short slow leash walks, but in a week or so the vet said I can expect to see him tip-toeing instead of carrying that leg. That will be an exciting moment!

Look at that handsome face!
More pawsome news: Jacky can wear the comfy cone now that his eye is healed! No more sharp plastic e-collar! Everybody is so thrilled about this, although I already miss his fancy pirate tape. But check out his super cool brindle striped skin where they shaved him! Wacky Jacky's got tiger blood in wonder he's such a tough cookie! And have you noticed his adorable alfalfa?! Squeeeeee!

Lefty goes back to Village Vets to have his staples removed in about two weeks. Then he'll be all ready to head up north to the amazing PPR folks, weather and health permitting. I can't wait to see him all healed and happy in his forever home! He is going to make somebody a wonderful companion.

To help PPR with Lefty's vet bills, please click here: