Monday, January 13, 2014

Lefty / Cap'n Jack: SOS, Mateys!

Cap'n Jack is a pro at the side-eye
Paws crossed for Jacky, everyone. He's rather sick. We had to rush him to Village Vets emergency last night. He had diarrhea for over 24 hours, which is enough for concern. As I called the vet, it turned to blood. He was crying and obviously in distress. I thought it must be due to the rimadyl he's been on for two weeks, although I discontinued it the morning before when I first noticed his tummy problems. When we got to the vet, he threw up in the lobby. I really got scared then because I thought he must have gotten into something toxic. We have nothing lying around the house, but I thought maybe he could have eaten a poisonous frog or something in the yard. I was so scared; I know he's not a super young pup and that he's had all his shots, but it looked like parvo. They admitted him for overnight testing and monitoring.

He's also an underbite expert
I got a call at 9PM last night saying we could come get him. I said I'd rather them keep him overnight. Sure enough, his diarrhea continued throughout the night. This morning when I spoke with the vet (the same wonderful lady who operated on Jacky's eye), she said that he's stable but is still passing a lot of blood. His x-rays and bloodwork were clear, so no blockages or organ damage. He tested negative for parvo, thank Dog (the mere fact that the vet tested him shows how acute his symptoms were!). He held down a little bit of food, which is always a good thing. The vet said he's resting well, but she definitely wants to keep him for another day and night at least. Her suspicion is that it's viral, not something he got into. Either way, I know they'll take great care of him.

Behold: extreme ear scruff!
Of course, Cap'n Jack is as affectionate and feisty as ever. He is a staff favorite at Village Vets; he practically has to sign autographs when he comes through the door. A vet tech even asked us yesterday if he's still available for adoption, haha! They said they were wracking their brains for good pirate themed nicknames for him when he came in for his enucleation. Y'all should have seen how excited they got when I told them Lefty is only his "official" name, but that he actually goes by Cap'n Jack! Yaaaaaaarr, mateys! They absolutely love him. So I know he's in good hands. Nevertheless, it always hurts my heart when one of our guys is struggling. Jacky is one of my favorite fosters ever...he is such a lovey little scruff munchkin and is just so happy all the time, no matter what he's going through. So please cross every paw you've got in hopes that Cap'n Jack / Lefty will overcome yet another medical challenge. The poor little guy needs a break!

As if the costs of Lefty's FHO and enucleation weren't already sky-high, Perfect Pets Rescue continues to stand by his side no matter the expense. They could really use some help raising funds to cover Lefty's medical bills, especially now that he's had to have expensive tests and overnight hospitalization. If you can forego an afternoon coffee run or maybe even just a morning bagel to help PPR, please click here to donate for Lefty's care:

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