We are seven days in and Barkley is doing very well. He and Oliver have become pretty good buddies. They're a perfect tug o' war match and they love to wrestle. Mr. Barks has a ton of energy. He has to have mental and physical stimulation or he will find mischief. Running in the yard, playing fetch, wrestling with Oliver, learning new commands, and figuring out brain toys are all great ways to keep him busy. He hasn't done anything actually destructive, but he thinks it's super fun to unroll the toilet paper and TP the house we leave any bathroom doors open. He's also really good at letting us know when he's hungry: he'll carry all the dog bowls out into the living room and line them up on the rug. If you ask me, those are just adorable quirks, not trouble! Barks is still sleeping in his crate at night without any trouble at all. His potty training is complete and he is becoming less hand shy with each passing day. Barkie is like a rubber band, a bouncy ball, and an acrobat all wound up in one funny furry package. He makes us laugh all the time with the crazy way he launches himself off of furniture, slips on the wood floor, and leaps through the air with the greatest of ease. He knows when it's time to settle down on the couch, too. As long as he's exercised well, he has no qualms about curling up for a movie and cuddles at the end of the day.
Here's a short video of Barkley playing with his KONG Wobbler: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKuSrigHWDs And another video of Barks and Oliver playing tug o' war (and Bunkin's super loud referee bark in the background...sorry!): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPsml_r7dcY Barkley's a really cool dog. If you're looking for a fun, energetic, loving, cuddly pup with a huge personality, Barks is your guy. He's SO smart and is eager to please his people as long as he gets his share of attention in return. He's good with kids and other dogs. Barkley is looking for a home that will understand his spirit and appreciate his uniqueness. Email jsmartinez@dekalbcountyga.gov if you're interested in adopting Barkley.
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