Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Happy Tail: Lucy!

Everyone loves Lucy!
Ah, the contented relief accompanied by a bittersweet pang that comes along with saying goodbye to a foster. It's a very rewarding feeling, even though it's always tough to give that final backward glance as you leave the dog you cared for in the arms of another. It's a bit sad going through all the photos of Lucy and moving them into archival on our hard drive. People always ask how foster parents do it, how we let them go. We just do it. It's not always easy, but it's part of what you sign up for when you commit to fostering. And you know what, it's really not that bad. Right now, I'm relishing the feeling of accomplishment I have knowing that Lucy's leg is in good shape and that she's in a truly wonderful adoptive family. I'm taking deep breaths and enjoying the peacefulness of my own pack; we have a moment to ourselves for the first time in over a month. This is a special moment - the glow of a job well done and the closing of another chapter.

Lucy has a wonderful home. Her dad is retired, so she'll rarely have to be home alone. Her mom is head over heels in love with her and is super excited to have her own personal snuggle buddy. Lucy also has two canine sisters: Rosie (labradoodle) and Lucy (Rat Terrier). The three girls get along swimmingly and are going to have a blast romping around in the yard together. Lucy's dad keeps an aviary in the backyard and she is fascinated by the birds. Rosie is already excited about showing Lucy how to use the doggy door...she also thinks it's great fun to hide on the inside and ambush Lucy as she enters! She's going to have the greatest life. By the way, Lucy's leg is doing quite well. She's going to continue to gain strength playing with her sisters. She'll be full out running on all fours before long. She's also up to a full 15 pounds, hurray! No more skin and bones. I am so glad for her!

Aside from being our first California foster, Lucy is also our first local adoption. All of our previous fosters went to different states and are mostly scattered up the eastern seaboard. We've never actually met the adopters of any of our fosters until now. It's nice knowing she's just across the valley. Makes me sleep that much easier tonight. I'm a little nervous about how quickly she'll adjust and whether she'll have any separation anxiety, but hey - I just tell myself that if Pickles can do it, anyone can do it! I know she'll be in hog heaven with her sisters, her parents, and their wonderful yard in no time flat. We love this girl a whole lot and we'll certainly miss her. After all she's gone through I'm just so thrilled she finally has the "furever" she deserves. We love you, Lucy! Enjoy the good life, sweet pea.

To learn more about St. Francis Animal Protection Society and how you can help us continue to help animals like Lucy find their furever homes, click here:

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