Friday, October 11, 2013

Pupdate: Katie & Suri

Tired Suri (AKA Poopface)
My household has been super mega busy with dog stuff recently! With all the hoopla over Pickles leaving (he's doing pawsome, by the way) and some stuff going on with my own dogs (everybody's ok, just an ear infection for Oliver), I realized I'm overdue for posting a pupdate on Katie & Suri. I took them to the shelter vet to get spayed today. Hurray! This may not seem like the most ideal "hurray" situation ever, but it's such a hugely exciting thought that Katie will never have to have puppies again and that Suri will never have to go through that at all. A few days of pain is well worth a long, healthy lifetime.
Sleepy Katie

As it turned out, Suri still does not weigh enough to be spayed yet. She's 4 pounds and needs to be at least 5 before the shelter vet will operate on her. Boo. I was pretty surprised because she's such a stinkin hog...I thought for sure she'd weigh in. Oh well. But! She did get her second full round of shots and dewormer, hurray! So that's super awesome. So, she's got to hang out with us for another couple of weeks and gain that last pound before getting fixed. Once she's fixed and recovered, she can head to NJ to See Spot Rescued and await adoption. So we're probably looking at transport on November 2nd for Suri.

Suri chillin in her daytime pen
Mama Katie is successfully spayed. She is recovering now at home with us, not so comfortably but that's how it goes. Spay surgery is WAY more intrusive and major than neuter surgery. Sparing you all the obvious details, the vet has to cut through the abdominal muscles during a spay operation. Needless to say, that makes for a very sore doggy belly and a considerable recovery period. Now, hold on to your hats for the best news of the day: Katie is HW NEGATIVE!!!!!!! Woot! I am SO relieved and thrilled by this news, I can't even express myself. So as soon as she recovers fully from her spay, she'll be able to head to NJ. I imagine she'll be able to make the October 19 transport, unless SSR wants us to keep her with Suri until November 2 and send them together. We'll see.

Suri & Oliver
Both Katie and Suri have upper respiratory infections (URI). This is common in shelter dogs. They'll be on antibiotics for ten days and will feel much better soon. Katie's skin is doing a lot better, too. It's not so inflamed anymore and her fur is starting to fill back in. Suri is chasing her tail, climbing stairs, running wild in the yard, and even digging in the dirt. All in all, these gals are really doing great. Enjoy some new pictures and videos and stay tuned for more pupdates on Katie and Suri (be sure to adjust the movie quality to 720!) :-)

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