Friday, October 25, 2013

Pupdate: Katie & Suri's Adventures Continue

Ultimate Cuteness!
Hey everybody! Thought I'd post a little update on my favorite girls, Katie and Suri since the focus has been on Raven recently. They're both recovered from their colds and are doing great. Suri finally weighs over 5 pounds (6.4!) and was able to get spayed today! She's feeling a little drunk, but is doing fine. Now they're both on track to go on transport to SSR in NJ next weekend. I am so excited for these two sweet girls!

Katie and Suri absolutely LOVE playing outside together. They love to play in the bushes and in the leaf piles. Don't worry, I always check for ticks and such afterward! Katie's pretty rough on Suri, but she holds her own quite well. Suri's getting much bigger...she's almost half mama's size! We've seen her torso stretch longer and her ears get bigger and floppier. Her fur is getting fluffier and looks like it might grow in long. She still doesn't look anything like Katie or a dachshund, though. Whatever she is, she's a cute little monster! Her teeth are all coming in nicely (read: SHARPLY) and her gums are nice and pink. They were super pale when we got her because she'd lost so much blood to fleas. So happy to see her thriving!

Katie's skin/fur before and after!
Katie is also doing well. She recovered just fine after her spay two weeks ago. She loves to play and snuggle. I think she's goofier than Suri. Mama Katie's fur looks SO much better! I've kept her on several supplements to spur healing and fur growth: Pet Kelp, Scratch-Attack Anti-Itch Gel, therapeutic levels of fish oil each day, Biotin, and Zymox medicated shampoo. It's really made a difference! Check out her skin/fur before and after pictures. These pictures were taken about 3 weeks apart. Pretty awesome progress! She still has the big bald spot on her left side where the skin was really bad, but it's healed nicely. I'm not sure the fur will ever grow back there because the skin is so scarred, but at least it doesn't bother her anymore. The rest of her coat really looks great. I'll have to write some product plug blog posts on some of these things I've used on Katie's skin...stay tuned for that.

I have to say, Katie and Suri are among my favorite fosters. If I had to rank them, here's how it stands: #1 Pickles, #2 Cowboy, #3 Katie and Suri. They are both just SO SWEET, loving, cheerful, and happy-go-lucky. Not to mention they fit right into the rest of our pack, which I very much appreciate. Neither of them ever causes a fuss over anything. They just roll with the punches and are happy to go along with whatever the day has in store. In the world of dogs, it doesn't get much easier than that! These girls will surely make somebody very happy in NJ. I can't help but cross my fingers that they get adopted together because they are quite bonded, but I think they'd be fine either way. Can't wait to see what happens! Enjoy the pictures and videos.

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